Thursday, June 26, 2008

Doll Clothes Disaster

I've decided that some crafts are best left to others. Doll clothes for example. The girls and I went to a local park yesterday and on our way home we spied some dolls on the curbside. They had been well loved one day in the past and we picked them up, took them home and gave them a good bath. The only problem? They were naked and were in need of some clothes. I thought that using some of the left over vintage pillowcase fabric from the swap was the perfect idea and so I set about trying to make some clothes while the girls were napping. I used one of the dresses from the curbside as a pattern (it was too moldy to keep and use) but have since failed to make anything that I actually like. I think I am making the whole thing too complicated. I will give it one more try and if I am not happy I will be on the lookout for doll clothes at this weekends garage sales.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have the patience for dolls clothes either...too fiddly, but I bet you could pick up some on eBay or etsy. I am going to have one more try with it them soon so I'll let you know if I have any luck;)
