Friday, July 4, 2008

Quilt-a-long: Week 1

So in my effort to become a better (more accurate) quilter I have decided to embark on Amanda Jean's (Crazy Mom Quilts) Quilt-a-long. This seems to be a project that she began last year, however she is currently in the middle of guiding the craft blogosphere thru another series, a Star Quilt-a-long. Stars seem to be a bit advanced for me at the moment, so I decided to put that one on hold and back-up to her original project. Here is week one, without trimming or shaping. I decided to wait on that part until I have all 12 squares complete and decide on placement.

I think that I am going to go with a rainbow color theme for each square - I hope that will give it an overall cheerful effect; yet folksy enough that it will fit in at our family cabin. I am certainly drawing from my contemporary fabrics with dots and stripes, but if I like it enough maybe I will return to it with my vintage sheet stash?!


  1. Hi there, you did a great job with this square. I keep thinking about joining the quilt along but I never quite get to it. Good luck with th quilting, I think you are a natural.

  2. I think this is very smart of you. I did the first one (I didn't start until it was almost over.) and it gave me lots of practice and more importantly enough confidence to tackle this one. The block looks great. Wonderful fabric.
