Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tame those needles!

So my knitting needle storage is a bit out of whack. And with all my recent sewing progress, I thought, when not endeavor on making my own storage cases for the needles. Sure would beat the clear plactic curtain pouches I've repurposed. See?

I am thinking of two different storage cases (one for straights and one for circulars) + a case for travel and/or WIP's. That means three cases total folks.

My inspriation and idea for the circular storage case is from Offhand Designs. However, I am going to make it simple, and only a storage case for circular needles and not all the other accessories. I am thinking that clear CD sleeves would be perfect for this?
My inspriation for my straights and dpn's is from the colored pencil rolls I made awhile back, originally blogged about here.

Lastly, my accessory/travel case ideas come from The Organized Knitter.

Here's my progress. This is my first attempt at designing something(s) so here goes nothing! It's also a good thing that I started with the straights case as I realized that I own 10 size 6 dpn's. Anyone up for a trade?

I made the exterior with some gift fabric from mom, a yard of Valori Wells home dec fabric in aqua. The 'learn to knit' ribbon was something that I picked up years ago at Avalanche Looms while vacationing with my parents. The interior fabric is from the vintage sheet stash. The orange pocket lining is left over fabric from a cooperative baby quilt that was made for this little guy, and the batting is again a left over flannel receiving blanket from the stack in the twins' closet. The pictures here seem to be a bit off with the colors - it is a bright piece, but the colors all work really well together. The seem a bit off in these photos, or maybe it is just the drab background that it making it all look strange.

I felt confident going into the project with my previous experience with the pencil rolls. This next project, for the circular needles, is a different story. This one will take some time and planning. I do have more ribbon to use, and more of the aqua fabric - or there is another yard of the same print in brown I could pull from. Hmmm...decisions, decisions.

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