Friday, October 10, 2008

Yes We Can!

I'm showing my political hand here - and my eye for folk art. While this blog is a mostly a creative space, and not necessarily a platform to share my political views, both come together in this piece of art. I felt compelled to post about it. A Denyse Schmidt original. Get your raffle tickets while you can.

And, regardless of who you support, make your voice heard; get out and vote on November 4th.


  1. i donated...i so would love to win this. it would be a piece of history.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that. Thanks for the link.

  3. I had a post a little something about this on my crafty blog too! So so great... I can't wait to see how much they end up raising. Obama '08!

  4. That's awesome! I love it. I'm so excited/nervous about Nov. 4.
