The advent calendar is complete! (I'm only, what, 7 days late?) In the end I decided to not put numbers on the socks as it might be too distracting - I added more detail in the socks than I originally thought. Maybe I'll just add numbers to the clips instead? For now the girls will just have to count each morning until they find their surprise; sort of like a Sesame Street-Christmas-number-of-the-day thing. The photo below is of the socks along the fireplace, but they will have to be moved back to the window when the stockings come out later this month.
This project was time consuming (maybe 36 hours total), but loads of fun. I had enough colors that I never really got bored coming up with a combination, and the sheer volume of yarn I had laying around meant that the girls got into the design aspects too - more then a few of their color combination picks are represented here. The best part, however, was never needing to make a companion sock. I just kept moving from one new design to another!
I have to learn to knit so I can make one next year. So cute!