Saturday, March 21, 2009

Knitting Podcasts

You know that your hobby/art has gone to an entirely different level when you begin to listed to podcasts devoted to it. Here are my top three knitting-related podcasts that I listen to weekly:

1) Cast on - Knitting Matters by Brenda Dayne

2) Knit Picks Podcast with Kelley Petkun

3) Sticks and String by David Reidy

There were others that I listed to either once or twice, but the content didn't hold my interest. These three have stood the test of time. They have allowed me to smile, laugh and think on my way to and from campus during these past few cold months. I won't provide formal reviews of the podcasts as I've only been listening for a few weeks so far. But I have to say that I learned something new from each person, and something new in each episode.

In my opinion, Cast On provides a philosophical approach to the art of knitting, from a very supportive and nurturing place. Lately, Brenda has been running through a series of pod casts devoted to the art of alchemy and knitting. She combines chemistry, art, history, philosophy and snippets of her own life into a wonderful hour of listening. She also affectionately refers to all of us listeners as "knit sibs" which just cracks me up. Oh yeah, she also provides us with some amazing patterns, including the beautiful Mrs. Beeton - knit wrist ruffles with a beaded trim.

Kelly from Knit picks provides a very informative thirty minutes of listening. Chock full of tips on techniques and interviews with designers, knit picks staff members and book authors, I almost always come away with a mental list of cool knitting related things to check out on the web. I'm also a big fan of the knit picks sock yarns and harmony needles so I also love hearing about the new products they debut from time to time. For example, they just made a beautiful line of organic cotton yarns available at a very reasonable price.

Sticks and String is a fun-loving podcast from the land down under. It is also the only one of the three done by a man. David provides updates on his own knitting progress, book reviews, as well as a weekly essay on knitting. His essays usually make me laugh. For example, I really identified with his musings on how knitting leads to conversation, especially when you knit in public. For example, knitters often tell tales of being approached by strangers, who then go on to share their life stories. David figures that most people associate knitting with people from their past; people that loved them and knit things for them. He then surmises that people transfer those feelings of love onto knitters, regardless of the fact that they are strangers. You are a stranger with knitting needles - nothing more need be known about you. I don't do the essay justice. You have to listen for yourself.

Happy listening everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to checking out these podcasts - thanks for sharing the links!
