Friday, April 17, 2009

A little of this, a little of that

My knitting basket is starting to gather a slight layer of dust, and after finishing up my in-process sewing projects I haven't felt the urge to cut or sew. I haven't really felt the pull to do any sort of crafting lately.

The knitting is coming along nicely, I am just feeling a shall we say...bored?...with it. I need to put my nose to the grindstone and finish the two projects I have on my needles so that I can move onto to something fun and new. I realize that I tend to thrive on challenges. I love the learning that comes along with trying something new; and the way that something new fully captures my attention.

My attention is slowly being pulled towards our yard - and the garden that I should start putting in this weekend. There's broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, and pea seedlings to get in the ground. The flowers and tomatoes are coming up nicely, but it will be a few more weeks before they are planted outside.

On a really happy note I successfully defended my dissertation proposal and am now officially a dissertator. I am still finishing off my last class, which will come to an end in early May. I will now spend the next 12-18 months gathering my data, analyzing it and writing up my results.

This past week was also full of new summer recipes. I'd never made fresh tabbouleh before - but believe me, this will be a summer staple around here. I tweaked the recipe to double the feta, and added more salt, pepper and lemon juice. My other recent favorite finds are courtesy of Trader Joe's: truffle brownies (from a box) and lemon curd. big projects on the horizon at the moment. I'm just waiting in the calm moments for inspiration to strike again. Some friends were singing the praises of freezer paper earlier this week, maybe I'll look in to that.

In the meantime I'll enjoy the days that are getting longer and warmer - and the fact that we are eating dinner in the backyard again!


  1. My family loves those truffle brownies! We always have a box at the ready.

    I've alway thought I didn't like tabbouleh, but maybe I will if I make it fresh...

  2. feeling the same energy, time to move from inside to out. There's always rainy days to knit.
