Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A giveaway

I could blame it on the holiday weekend, the gardening or the kids. But the fact is I just simply forgot to note the sign-up deadline for the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway day on my calendar. Melissa over at Tigerlily Tinkering - be sure to check out her recent apron adventures - reminded me of this amazing creative effort and I felt the urge to jump in too. So…I'm not sure if I am an officially sanctioned participant, but I will host a giveaway anyway. Here are the details:

I'll be giving away two knitting pattern collections, both by Melissa Matthay and Sheryl Thies (rav link), this one and this one. This means there will be two – yes two – winners here. Each pattern collection will arrive at it's destination packaged alongside a homemade, freshly-baked batch of biscotti. I usually make chocolate-almond, but I am happy to accommodate any food preferences or sensitivities.

To win, leave a comment describing either who taught you to knit (or sew, or create, or do what it is that you do) or why you began. Beginnings and origins are interesting to me and I'm curious to learn if crafting/creating is something that we are raised with, or whether we reach for it during particular moments in life. Or is it both? My twin daughters will pick the winners from a hat at 12 noon CST on May 31st. Lucky for them there are two winners! I will post the winners later that afternoon. Unfortunately I won't be able to send these items internationally, so the giveaway is only for individuals in the U.S. and Canada.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing from all of you!


  1. I'm just starting with knitting, I'd love to enter for your giveaway! Thanks.



  2. For all my crafts: sewing,knitting and now crochet I'm self taught.All started because wanted to be able to create for my kidlets.

  3. I watched my mother sew when I was a little girl and became fascinated by it. But I didn't start sewing until I was an adult. My mother never actually taught me. Then I got busy with college and a career. Now I am a stay-at-home mom and try to fit it in in the midst of homeschooling and having a baby. I am teaching my children how to sew. My 8 year old daughter has her own sewing blog to share her sewing journey as she learns. It's www.sewingsister.blogspot.com

    Mine is www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com

  4. My mum taught me knitting when I was a kid... My sister and I used to knit-along during summer holidays!

  5. I was taught to knit by the nine year old girl I used to nanny! I am so grateful to her! Knitting is such an amazing talent to have.
    I taught myself sewing and I am still learning :)
    I am doing a giveaway too!

  6. Crafting and chocolate...the best! My mom taught me all of my needle skills...although I come from a long line of craft-inclined women.

  7. I taught myself how to sew and I had knitting lessons from a friend. I took up knitting because I had to use all my handspun yarn. Yes, I took up spinning before knitting.

  8. I have always loved art... and personally I blame it on my first box of crayolas. My mother is very artistic and was over-joyed to find that I was willing to sit while she taught me how to blend pencils and pastels, and use watercolors and oils. She even taught me basket weaving one ridiculously hot summer (It was a good excuse to stay in the water). Sewing came much later. She got a few good laughs while I stared in complete confusion at my first pattern, and futilely attempted to cut out the fabric pieces, but she urged me to persevere. Most recently she has taught me how to crochet, which I am happy to say is going much smoother than the sewing lessons. I can't wait to see what she has in store for me next. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  9. Wow . . . above and beyond! Food and patterns, that's AWESOME! I'm pretty new to knitting. My sister-in-law taught me to knit in exchange for me teaching her to quilt. (She's caught on quicker than I have!) She learned to knit in school and I learned to quilt from my grandmother.

  10. I was taught to crochet by my grandmother. I always wanted to learn to knit and finally taught myself a few months ago. I love it!

  11. The first person that tried to teach me didn't speak English as her native language and as a result I was so frustrated that I didn't pick up needles for ages. Then a really really patient friend went step by step with me....and now I'm hooked!
    rae_sunshine4 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  12. I heard about a Stitch n Bitch starting up that met at a great bar in my neighborhood. So basically I learned to knit to have an excuse to drink. I'm an avid sew-er and knew I'd learn someday. I had my mom show me the basics.

  13. Growing up, I didn't know anybody who made things, so when I wanted to learn (after my son was born) I used the internet. I learned to knit from knittinghelp.com and I learned to sew through trial and error (with a lot of help from the internet).

    But now when anybody sees me knitting and expresses even a vague desire to knit, I pretty much hold them down and force them to learn.

  14. I just learned how to knit in January, 20 years after my first attempt. My mom first tried to teach me when I was 12, but I didn't have the patience. Then when I was in college I tried again, but I was too busy to sit down and really figure it out. Then I tried again when I was pregnant at 28 but my hands kept going numb. FINALLY! At 32, I had the time and patience to sit down and really learn and now I'm in love with knitting! I love making things for my kids and our home and fashion accessories for me! Thanks for the fun contest!

  15. Oh, you are sanctioned by the craftday - I found you via the Sew, Mama, Sew! blog. =)
    Crochet was my first craft and was learned from a neat lady in 4-H. I went from there to learning to sew from my mom and learning to knit from youtube! =) Now my real job keeps getting in the way of creating! LOL

  16. I taught myself to knit about 3 years ago. I really wanted to be able to make my own socks. It's taken me a few years to learn the basics but I finally finished my first pair last year! My grandmother crochets but I was a much faster knitter & decided to stick with it instead.

  17. I am a self-taught knitter and seamstress/quilter. I saw a book about art quilts when I was working at a bookstore and suddenly I just knew...I had to do this. I bought "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Quilting and have never looked back.

  18. 1. My mother isn't crafty at all, so I taught myself to knit and sew (and quilt and embroider and ...) out of books, because there's something in me that needs to be able to create something useful. Very interesting to hear how other people started, too!

    2. I love the coin quilt on the post below.

    3. An auction! A new sewing machine! Please have your newspaper tell my newspaper how it's done. That sounds really cool.

  19. I learned to knit from my mom, and she learned to knit from her mom. I can't wait to teach my daughter to knit.


  20. I learned how to knit at a shop in Tampa, Fl when I was in my 20s...

    Love the scarf patterns you are giving away...

  21. I learned how to knit from my mother during my first year of college. I think it was a combination of wanting a warm scarf to warm up my cold dorm room when I studied, and of missing my mom who knit for me all my life. She still does-I received handwarmers and socks for my birthday this year and I love them! I try to knit something for each of my children every year. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. My grandma tried to teach me to crochet, but I'm left handed so she finally got to tired of trying. I had an insurance rep that came to the hospital I worked at teach me to knit. I just had to learn to do it right-handed. My mom can cross-stitch but has no aptitude for yarn arts. It seems to have skipped a generation. Also I didn't start till I was in my early 30's. Thanks for the chance!!!!

  23. my maternal grandmother taught me to knit when I was around 7...to keep me occupied I guess.
    stephaniefredrickson at yahoo dot com

  24. Well, my mom loved to sew so I learned a lot from her.

    Quilts - that I taught myself.

    Knitting...while I was waiting in our adoption process another waiting mom noticed that I liked to sew and decided that I would also be good at knitting so this women, whom I'd never met in person invited me over to her house and taught me to knit. Turns out we both received referrals for little boys who slept in cribs right next to each other. It's one of my favorite "small world" stories.

  25. My grandma tried to teach me to knit once when I was about eight, but I didn't really become a knitter until a couple of years ago. I had to learn again almost from scratch, using books and the internet. I started the second time because a friend of mine suggested it as a way to make myself relax (oddly, that friend's not a knitter).

  26. My mother taught me to knit in middle school and I have been doing it ever since:)

  27. My mom taught me to sew and knit and cook. All when I was young. I can remember starting this sort of thing when I was in the 4th grade.

  28. My Grandma Margie taught me to knit when I was 11 years old, and I was addicted right off the bat! I've loved knitting ever since and have been knitting for 23 years. :) Thanks for the chance to win. A giveaway is always so fun! leafygreenes at gmail dot com

  29. My mother taught me to sew and I do it because I have the disease! Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. my auntie tried to teach me when i was little, but it was my husband who convinced me that he could show me what he remembered from his grandma. very funny times. i just love to take those two sticks and some string and make something beautiful!

  31. My mom taught me to sew and crochet. I just recently learned how to knit, and I had to go to the LYS and take a class for that! I love being crafty!

  32. Yum! Knitting books and food, too. Great give-away!

  33. I was taught to knit by my first real boyfriend's mother. My own mother was not very crafty. My quilting was learned through a local fabric shop.

  34. How fun - I've had to add you to my rss feed - I have twin girls, too!

    My mom taught me everything I needed to start crafting, and I hope to do the same with my daughters, too (and would if I had sons, also!).

  35. My mom taught me to knit when I was probably eight or so and I've been knitting ever since. My kids are now my greatest inspiration and are right there next to me wanting to try too.

  36. yea, I'm in Haven't knitted for awhile but for anything chocate I will

  37. My grandmother and mother sewed, but didn't teach me. I now love to sew but taught myself as some of my ealier project show. I am an avid scrapbooker who started as a way to document my girls homeschool journey for their portfolios, now I scrapbook everything. I am just starting to knit and crochet with more success knitting so far. I love to bake and cook and biscotti sounds delicious. Actually I really like to create period.

  38. For most of my crafting I am self taught. But knitting, I actually learned the basics from my mom. She had a friend that was knitting, so she and I went to the store and both bought needles and yarn together. We both made me a scarf...and I still have them both.

  39. Ooh! I love to hear these answers! My husbands grandmother taught me how to knit! She lived in Florida and we only saw her in person maybe once every other year or so. She was getting up there a bit and made the best dish cloths. I figured I needed to learn how to do this since I refused to buy a dish cloths in the store.

    That was 23 years ago! Just two years ago I decided to try knitting other things - like a scarf!

    Thanks for a chance to win! :)


  40. My older sister, who lived in your neck of the woods at the time (Stoughton, WI) taught me how to knit when she was visiting me in Duluth, Mn. We went to a quilt show and I saw a felted bag I just had to have. We purchased the yarn, she taught me that very day and I have been knitting non-stop ever since.

  41. My Mom and Nanny (grandmother) taught me to knit from a booklet we found in the attic - that belonged to my Great-Grandmother - neither of them were knitters and I wanted to learn so badly - I was eight - that they looked at the diagrams and helped me hold my hands correctly - and I've been knitting ever since...

  42. This is so sweet. And biscotti. yum!

  43. My mom used to sew and quilt before I was born, but hasn't done any of that since she had me. I always saw homemade quilts and afghans around the house when I was younger, but didn't appreciate them until I was in my mid-twenties when I started to appreciate things with family history, meaning and character. Now I love the idea of having my grandma's old dishes around, or passed down crafts. However I have used books to teach myself to knit and sew because I don't know anyone who has these skills. I'd love to be able to master them, and pass them onto my children though!

  44. I wanted to learn to knit after I saw all the things you can do and that it's easily takeable versus a sewing machine. So, a friend taught me to do basic dishcloths and I taught myself the rest of the stitches using knittinghelp.com. Plus having LOs is so much fun to knit stuff for. :)

  45. I taught myself to knit... no one in my family does it... sewing too.... I guess I've just always had a compulsion to make things!!

  46. That is an awesome giveaway! I learned to knit out of a book, my Mom taught me to crochet when I was 8, and she taught me to sew when I was 9. Crafting was the thing to do in our house!

  47. i learned from my mom . . . she tried when i was little, but after i completed my first square, she ripped it out right in front of me.

    It was over ten years before i came to her asking to learn . . . her teaching technique has improved GREATLY. :)

    i've been happily knitting now for six years!

  48. My mother taught me how to knit, and sew and all sorts of "crafty" things.
    you are having a great give away. I would love to be entered.

  49. I actually recently wondered who taught me how to knit. I have absolutely no idea! I guess it was my mother, but I'm not 100% certain about that. Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

  50. I started knitting after I graduated from college with my first degree. I was so bored and going through things with my husband. I needed something to keep my mind busy. I tried pottery and could not get it. Then I went to a knitting class at a local technology center and the rest is history.

  51. My mom sewed all of our halloween costumes when we were kids, but I didn't get into crafting until I had kids of my own! I took some sewing classes through the local technical college. And I'm a fellow Wisconsinite! Hello!

  52. Great goodies! I taught myself to knit with a book. Now, my Grandmother taught me to crochet over 40 years ago. Love her for it.

  53. Thanks for the opportunity! I like to knit for my boys and can always use more knitting patterns!

  54. My grandmother taught me how to sew, knit, iron and bake pies. She moved from Holland when she was in her middle ages and had little kids. She was an awesome woman. She could have gone to the best seamstress school in Europe when she was young, but she got married and had kids. She ended up having six kids, twenty four grandkids and the great grand kids just keep coming.

  55. Biscotti? That's heaven, let alone the patterns :). I learned to knit when I was about 10 from my grandmother's sister (is that my great-aunt?) The craft obsession started right then!

  56. I taught myself. but my sister is better and will help if I ever need it.


  57. Great giveaways! :)

    I've actually learned how to knit 3 times in my life. First was when I was 6 through my mother, but I quickly forgot. The 2nd was from my boss from my first job in high school. And the 3rd time was just this past year when I taught myself how to knit through videos on the internet.

    I finally can actually remember how to 'start' knitting without having to look it up every time. :)

  58. Awesome giveaway! I would like to learn to knit, but I haven't yet.

    I am 8. I am learning how to sew. I have been doing some embroidery stitches. My 6 year old brother is learning some too. I hope to be on the machine before the end of summer. There are pictures of both of us sewing together and of our projects on my blog. Further down in previous posts, I also have pictures of my family, mom, dad, 15 month brother and other brother and sister. We homeschool.

    I am having a giveaway as well at

    and so is my mom at www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com

  59. One of my best friends, Yvette, taught me how to knit. She's taught me so many other things too - she's like an extra grandma to me!

    Thanks for the opportunity! Megan


  60. Crafting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, although, it hasn't always had such a large part. I learned to sew from my mom when I was little, and a teacher taught me to knit (I think). I relearned to knit in college, and my mother-in-love taught me to crochet.

  61. I taught myself to crochet and about a year later I taught myself to knit. I work in an office and there never seems to be an end to the button pushing. I started crocheting and knitting because the thought of a planning phase, a starting phase, and a completion phase coupled with a finished object just thrills me!

  62. My Mom taught me and I'm always telling her "Use your skills for good and not evil". She's an amazing crafter but doesn't always choose the most current/cute projects! Do we need more doiles in this world?

    I think I'm going to win!

  63. My mother taught me how to sew and I took a class to learn how to knit. I know have my grandmother's (mom's mom) sewing box and knitting bag.

  64. I taught myself how to knit about 7 years ago, and before that I taught myself how to crochet. I didn't grow up knowing how to do handwork, but after I had my first child I had to learn so I could knit and crochet sweater and blankets for him. Thanks for putting my name in the hat!

  65. My grandmother has always been an inspiration to me. She taught me to sew when I was little. When she passed away, I learned to knit and crochet. The knitting took off like wildfire and I haven't stopped since!

  66. besides taking home ec at 5th grade i taught myself how to knit and sew. i really wanted to learn and love making things for myself and my family and friends.

  67. I mostly sew and my mom taught me the basics, but I have greatly advanced beyond that over the years. Knitting is still an elusive hobby for me, but my big dreams conquer it this year!

    Fun giveaway!


  68. I love your giveaway! THanks so much!

  69. I worked with a lady who taught me how to knit during our lunch hour. That was about 10 years ago. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  70. ooooh nice blog title!

    I taught myself to knit via the encyclopedia -- and crochet, tatting, etc. -- but my mother taught me to sew. She does couture stuff, and mine's basic or weird (costumes etc.), but it's all good.

  71. I taught myself to knit, from a book; maybe that's why I'm not such a good knitter -smile-.
    Ladies up the valley taught me to quilt and I've enjoyed both being with them weekly and making quilts.

  72. When I was 24, my mother passed away and while sifting through her craft items I found yarn and needles. I tried to teach myself to knit from a book but did not get pass casting on. After I married, I asked my new mother-in-law to teach me and having been knitting for 3 yrs now. Knitting has served as a way for me to remember my mom and grow closer to my mother in law.

  73. My late grandmother taught me how to crochet (although I still consider myself a beginner) and she was a wonderful seamstress. As for photography, it's just something I've always been interested in. My father does wood carve and do leather work, and my sister loves to scrap book!

    Hugs & Blessings!

  74. I learned to knit by watching Knitty gritty. I don't know where I got the gene to create. My mother loves hand made things but she doesn't create things herself. My grandmother loved to bake and sometimes sew but she didn't do any needle crafts.

  75. I learned to knit because I was too cheap to pay for knit pants for my baby! Wollen knit pants are cute, practical and darn expensive. My tastes liked them, but not the pocketbook, so I learned how.

  76. I actually self taught myself how to knit... well, with the help of the internet. My mother taught me how to sew (I was really little, so I don't remember all the details, I just always remember knowing how to do it) my grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was about 8... that's a really good memory.

  77. i just started knitting...introduced through a waldorf playgroup....i'm loving it :-)

  78. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    I learned to sew from a dear, dear woman who lived down the street from me and helped girls who wanted to do sewing in 4-H make their entries.

    If I happen to win, please just leave me a comment on my blog letting me know. Thanks again!

  79. My good friends grandma actually taught me & my friend during the summer one year

  80. Wonderful giveaway!
    When I was a kid, I saw my mom knit & wanted to pick it up too. She taught me the basics, I made a simple garter stitch scarf and that was that. Fast forward 10+ years, when I started a new job in Winnipeg Manitoba (known for it's cold winters), I picked up knitting again and have been obsessed ever since. I think the climate somehow inspired me to knit, especially on those minus 45 degree days when there's nothing better than curling up by the fireplace with some good music, a hot cup of tea & two needles and some wool! I am pretty much self taught, instructional videos on the internet are really helpful!

    ugli.tangelo.fruit at gmail dot com

  81. I learned to knit using knittinghelp.com! And a little help from some knitting friends along the way!

  82. My mom was really into knitting scarves and things, so I asked her to show me how... I made a washcloth with the help of my mom and grandma... I think they did more rows than me. LOL
    Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  83. I taught myself to knit when I was pregnant with my first daughter and my grandmother was also in the process of dying- I sort of wanted to impress her since she had taught me to crochet and sew and I wanted her to know I would still keep learning even after she was gone.

  84. I taught myself to knit from a book and online tutorials. I come from a very crafty family; my mom can sew pretty much everything and my grandma was a crocheter. I decided one day that I wanted to learn how to knit and now I can't stop! :)

  85. my mother and grandmother taught me to crochet and my sister taught me how to knit in high school. i hadn't picked up knitting again until a few years ago and love it so much now. also learned to sew from my mom. i think i inherited all my creativity from her and my grandma. thanks for the chance to win!!
