Look at what arrived in the mail for me last week!! It was a package full of goodies from my barter buddy over at This is Marzipan. In exchange for an earflap hat, she made me a lovely pair of felt baby booties. She also generously included a few other goodies: tea, thrifted yarn, a sachet. And just look at her embroidery! It's perfect in every way. Thank you so much!
Speaking of hand embroidery, I also scored an amazing strawberry tablecloth at a trash-and-treasure sale at our local church. It looks perfect on the backyard table - where we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every chance we get in the summer months.
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If you are interested in participating in a barter check here. I'll be posting my next round of items tomorrow.
Lovely! Mama-pan never fails to impress me. I can't wait until tomorrow. I've got to get my shopping list going for the barter.
yay! so glad the package (finally) made it there; hope the shoes make some little feet very warm and happy...
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