Saturday, October 30, 2010

Half of a FO: TTL Mystery Sock '10

Here is one of a pair; a lonely sock.

But I finished it on time, just a day after the last clue was released. I loved the rhythm of this sock and how it all came together. Quite a stunning piece of work if you ask me. And the generosity of the free pattern? Too kind.

I made the size large, and am regretting it a bit because it is a bit too big on my leg. I am also worried that I won't have enough yarn to fully complete the second sock. There are a few ravelers that have noted they ran out of yarn this year - and I have last years experience in the back of my mind too - but there is only one way to get over my fear: start knitting that second sock. Off I go!

The yarn is madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Amber Trinket. Luckily I found an on-line store with more in stock in case I do run out...I picked up the only skein at my LYS a couple weeks ago.

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