My stash challenge has come to a close, and what a year it has been. Time for a de-brief.
Let's quickly review were I was when I started.When I started my challenge I was fresh of a new year's resolution made by myself and DH to work from our respective stashes for a year. This past year has found us making choices to cut back on our spending - both out of desire and necessity - and looking for all the ways that we can re-use, re-purpose, up-cycle and reduce. One obvious place to look critically was our creative interests. I am happy to say that we both took the resolution seriously. With one vacation-related exception I went over 365 days without spending cash on new yarn. He did the same and didn't purchase any new wood. We both spent a modest amount on supplies (needles, saw blades, etc.) but the raw materials we worked with we found, traded, were gifted, or had already.
I started 2010 with over 52 skeins of yarn, spread out to over 10,000 yards.
During 2010 I increased my stash by 11 skeins. 1 skein was purchased while I was on vacation in Arizona (it's llama down!), 4 were purchased with gift money or a gift card, and 6 were given to me as gifts, or were trades.
Here's what I made.Over twelve months I worked diligently from my stash. I resisted the (many) impulses to purchase new yarns for myself, and new yarns for gift projects; just by counting up what I had I knew I had enough yarn to work from for quite some time. [This truly was step one. I counted and photographed everything I had and entered it into a spreadsheet, noting brand, fiber and yardage. This made it all real to me.]
The challenges then were twofold:
1) Finding suitable patterns for the yarns I had on hand; and
2) Making the projects interesting to me, apart from the joy of a new purchase.
During 2010 I knit from over 28 skeins of yarn, equaling over 5,000 yards of yarn.
My projects ranged from the big (a sweater for DH) to the small (acorn decorations) and everything in between. Here's a quick list:
1 sweater, men's large
5 baby/toddler sweaters
3 baby vests
3 pair adult socks
7 kids/baby hats
1 adult hat
1 baby blanket
8 mini sweater ornaments
a stash of acorns (felted)
Congratulations on your year, Friend! I'm taking your cue and a heaping dose of inspiration from you and hoping for similar results with my fabric stash. I don't know if I can yet impose rigid 'rules' but I don't have enough space for all the fabric I have and must stop the thrift store fabric scrap collecting business. My discipline is notoriously low, but I'm hoping for strength and resolve and at the very least am being mindful of what I'm buying (which should be little or nothing) and not just collecting with abandon. So thank you very, very much for the gentle push to do so, in the form of this lovely, inspiring goal.
Congratulations! You did great! So many good projects - your zigzag pram was certainly my fave.
I did the same last year with my stash. Here is the only caveat for me; I missed my LYS and the people who own it. It was seven months without stepping foot in there, and it certainly felt good to be back. :)
I enjoyed your well thought out post and approach to destashing. Thank you for taking the time to study the process and what it brought you.
I struggle with #4 myself so it is nice to see someone else busting through the barrier.
Happy knitting!
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