Monday, January 9, 2012

Knitting Year-in-Review

A Sampling of Projects from 2011

As the new year is now upon us, I thought it time to take a moment and collect my thoughts about my knitting over the past year.  If I had to sum up my knitting over the past 12 months in one word it would be: prolific.  I have been knitting a lot.  And constantly.  And I am very, very happy about that.

My 28+ projects have been mostly small - baby knits, kid knits, hats, toys, ornaments, etc.  Projects that were quick.  But they all involved lots and lots of color.  Each project made me very happy.  Especially the ones that went to the most enthusiastic recipients, my kids!

I still have some unfinished projects hanging out in my basket.  They include the linen stitch scarf and silk mittens, and a pair of almost done pair of kids socks.
Interestingly, my stash has grown just a little over the past year too.  I knit up many yarns that I purchased and have only a special few that are sitting, waiting for the perfect project.

So I am ending last year feeling really good about my craft - not overwhelmed by too many yarns, or too many pattern ideas.  I am holding steady with the quantity and quality of my knits; entering the new year happy and content. 

There is, however, a new opportunity on the horizon.  Twelve organically raised sheep will join our extended family (my SIL's family to be exact), and that means a lot of fleece will be available to me in the not-too-distant future.  So it looks like I may begin a new journey with wool - something with hand spinning. 

I have been researching/reading how to wash, clean, card and spin fleece into yarn.  I have been looking at local woolen mills and their minimums for processing fleece(s).  I have invited myself to the home of an accomplished hand spinner for a lesson or two.  This is going to be fun.

So, no big knitting resolutions here - just moving on one stitch at a time.  [And a little elf brought some qiviut/merino yarn for my to try out this year too!]


  1. How Fantastic! What a great adventure this will bring. And, nice perspective on 2011...there is so much to feel grateful for, isn't there?

  2. there is some serious goodness in that collage up there--and how EXCITING about the sheep!! Can't wait to hear more about them and what you do with all that wool!
