Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ISO good sampler pattern

I don't know if it is the fall weather, nostalgia or what.  I am feeling drawn to older cross stitch sampler patterns lately.  But I am stuck and can't seem to find one that 'speaks' to me, my family or our experiences.  I've searched Etsy, Ebay and various websites, but am not coming up with anything.  In the meantime I have started work on "Peace on Earth" by Blackbird Designs.

Any suggestions from folks out there?

1 comment:

  1. I've always admired Alicia Paulsen's Winterwoods ABC Sampler: http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/2012/03/winterwoods-abcs-cross-stitch-sampler-kit-and-embroidery-supplies-now-on-sale.html
