Thursday, May 1, 2014

FO: Petrea (CF closed-cardigan pattern)

I was so inspired by the first CF sweater that I immediately started on a second, Petrea.  This one did not come with a recipe (there is one now, I believe) so I swatched my yarn and purchased a closed-front, short-sleeve, cardigan pattern from CF.  I did the match for placement of the lace panels myself.

This sweater came out near to perfect.  The only issue I am still debating is whether to stitch close the little 'v' at the top of the button band.  A fellow ravelry member suggested a hook-and-eye so I can still unbutton the sweater, however I don't plan to wear it open.

This is another local yarn - Sun Valley Fibers DK Bluefaced Leicester (BFL) Superwash, colorway: Frosty Pine.

I am not sure what is up next - my daughters are staring to request things again: socks for #1, a short-sleeve tee for #2, a hoodie for #3.  Thankfully #4 is happy with the hand-me-downs that are still around, but I'm sure she'll want something special when fall rolls around.

And those socks I posted about a couple months ago?  The ones for my husband?  We'll they shrank in the wash (ugh - caution: front-loading washers can do a number on superwash yarns!) and now are for me.  And I've started on another pair for him...

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