Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fabric art

Here is a photo of a piece of art that I completed to finish off a blank wall in our living room. I am very pleased with the result. I basically took scraps of favorite fabrics, grouped them, cut them into strips and viola! Instant art. Well...the process was more cumbersome than that, but it truly wasn't as difficult as I had expected. The most difficult part was committing to a final design and gluing the things together.

My inspriration came from another piece of art that I noticed while surfing I give full credit for my inspiration to collagecreations, with her piece, Woven Series 4. Unfortunately I am unable to justify purchasing her art at this time, so I crafted my own.

Dan really likes this too - which is rare as he doesn't like fabric as much as I do. (For that matter, I don't care for wood in the same way that he does!) He has even encouraged me to do a piece for a silent auction that is coming up for the girls' daycare. I do have some ideas for another, more intricate piece, so we'll see what I am able to come up with.

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