Incidentially, Dan and I were married at a place called Hilltop. It is an old all-girls horseback riding camp located in Spring Green, WI - just across the street from Taliesin. It was designed by a man with the family name Fritz and is very much in the priaire tradition. From what I have learned, Herb Fritz was an apprentice to FLW.
On a realted note, I am currently finishing "Loving Frank." A great story, by Nancy Horan (an Oak Park, IL native) based on the life of FLW, his family, his lover and her family. It is a quick read and I highly recommend it to anyone that is interested in learning more about his work. It is also a love story - about a woman who loves FLW and a woman who is trying to find herself. I was enamored with Mamah from the first page.
these are beautiful! This might have to be another summer project for me. I'm not so good with the cross stitch (bad flashbacks to 4th grade sewing time), but now that I've done some embroidery, I might be a little more "mature" in needlework :)