Monday, August 11, 2008

Cupcake decorations

Here's a picture of the last birthday craft I did for the girls' party. In addition to the banner decoration I also made some decorations for the cupcakes. With it being summer and there being lots of kids I decided against candles and made these up instead. I think they turned out great. I can't say exactly where I got the inspiration from - I am sure from surfing around, but there wasn't anyplace that the idea came from directly.

The decorations are little felt circles free-cut with pinking shears, with smaller circles glued to the middle. Then I glued toothpicks to the back. What a great way to use up bits of my felt and add to the festive party atmosphere. I am sure I could have used a template and made them more round, but I think that the akward shapes added to the character.

I am thinking there are lots of things you could do with this decoration too: felt onesies for a baby shower, wedding dress for a bridal shower, numbers for birthdays, suns for a solstice party, ah, the list goes on...

The one thing I didn't get around to this year that I wanted to was to make the girls some felt crowns (ala SouleMama). I guess that is getting moved to the list for next year. Besides, they got so many Cinderella accessories and princess crowns from friends/relatives that they weren't missed.


  1. These are so cute! Love the idea. I've seen it around but haven't had the occaision to make them. The cupcakes also look gorgeous. How was the birthday party? By the way, I kind of feel like you have found a way to knit more time into the day! Impressive amount of crafting going on over there.

  2. Almost forgot to mention, thanks for being such a great blogger buddy. Your note was great and caught me on a day I really needed it.

  3. what a great party B, Felix had a great time. I love the dress up phase the girls are in ( maybe not a phase), makes me want to try again for a girl ( in a few years.) I loved all the homemade touches to the party, the girls are lucky to have a crafty mom.
