Friday, September 5, 2008

Quilt-a-long: Week 10

Week 10: I don't think there is a color that can describe this block. Is busy a color? Too busy?

What great feedback I have received from all of you about the quilt top on thread color, backing and batting! I feel that I can move forward on it. I am getting really excited to do the final piecing and quilting on this one.

But, there are other quilts begging to be finished first. And, since it is quilt month (ala Mr. Monkeysuit) I have other mountains to climb.

By way of introduction to any new readers: I am a new quilter. I am learning how to do it by trial-and-error and by the grace of all of you that have been kind enough to share their wisdom. I love cutting and piecing tops. In fact, I have four pieced tops ready to go. I am scared of the actual quilting and haven't really gotten into that part of things yet. So, in an effort to create some sort of quilting curriculum for myself I set out to follow Crazy Mom Quilts quilt-a-long. Her original one started well over a year ago (she's done two others since), and everyone else seems to have done it when she was posting about it. But she still has all the links to the original and I just decided to follow them on my own. I've been posting about my progress for the last 10 weeks and have three more weeks to go until that quilt top should be finished. But, I am going to leave that one on its original timeline and move onto others that have been sitting for an embarassingly long time.

Here is a photo of one of the first quilt tops I ever pieced (original post on the collaborative blog here). It was supposed to be a baby quilt for our youngest. But the top was pieced and then it sat. And sat, and sat and sat. Then I used some of the batting on this project. But, now I'm ready. I am going to forge ahead and give it a try (and buy some cotton batting). Wish me luck and stay tuned. I've decided that I will finish this one within the month!


  1. Wow, I am so impressed that you are new to quilting. Your work looks fabulous. I made my first quilt last year and I know how daunting it can be.

  2. i can't believe you let this one's so pretty. have fun with it. can't wait to see more.

  3. Jump in! I made my first quilt in January this year and now I'm up to number 5, with number 6 partially pieced out. So far I've only quilted in straight lines so that keeps everything very easy. Like you, I'd call myself a knitter more than a sewer, but quilting is similar to knitting with the attention to detail, I suppose. (I still prefer the portability of knitting...)

    I think that the reason I've got so many finished is that I promised my 4 boys I'd make them a quilt each (I'm practising on them before I make one for me) and they kept me going.

  4. I'm so impressed with how neat your quilting is. I can never get my corners to match up so well. I know just what you mean about being nervous of the actual quilting but I made myself some practice squares of old fabric and batting and just let rip it was fun and I didn't have to deal with a whole quilt while I practiced the stitches. Good luck and great job...all of it is so lovely.

  5. Good luck! It's a beautiful quilt.

  6. Awesome! I love how the new quilt is coming along and I love this quilt square. I can't wait to see the baby quilt come together. I'm also an advocate of straight line quilting or the "slow wave", for which you can keep the feed dogs on. Love it!
