Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Socks

I pulled off these socks with just hours to spare before the stockings were filled - a new pair of socks for my husband for Christmas.  Seems to be a tradition for me to knit him a pair each holiday.  These are particularly special, as we picked up this yarn when we were on vacation together in Oregon a couple summers ago.  I have since learned that Foothills Yarn and Fiber in Hood River, OR has closed, but this yarn will live on here in Wisconsin!

I did make a small mistake when casting on the first sock and forgot to put on a 1x1 rib at the top of the leg.  Fortunately I caught my mistake early and was able to frog a bit and knit up.  The cast off edge turned into the Italian bind-off and while not a complete match is good enough for my husband.

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