Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sweet Home and Six Completed Sets!

I think I can probably admit myself to the Alicia Paulson fan club.  Just yesterday I put the last stitch in the 18th of her 18 holiday ornaments when I completed her "Sweet Home" kit.

[Even though we don't have a blue door, or stone archway, my youngest daughter suggested putting our house numbers above the door.  I love this special touch!]

I have process photos here, here and here, but I don't have full photos of each of the ornaments.  There are three that slipped by without being photographed (snowflake, deer and cabin w/red door)

Instead, I have the following photos of the 18 completed ornaments below. They run up our banister and hang from some fake garland with safety pins.  I know that someday - when the kids all move out and on to having their own trees - our tree will feel bare.  And we'll be able to put these ornaments on our tree when those years arrive.  Until then, they can hang in the hallway for us to enjoy all season long.

They are a bit out of order since the kids help hang them up, but you can see all the kits and/or pattern sets here:

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